The state of New York, like many other states, face staggering numbers of cases annually regarding domestic violence. These cases are particularly difficult because they cast a long shadow and affect many families.

These cases involve people who are emotional and who care about each other. They often want to resolve the problems and try to work things out, but they are stuck in the system. When the case warrants it, there are times when the court will order probation, anger management, and counseling. These programs have been around for many years, and in some cases, they work and a family is restored. Other times, the offender simply tries to do and say the right things until the sentence has been carried out.

Batterers Intervention

The courts in New York wanted to introduce a program that would address the entire issue of domestic violence. The way the laws were set up, the abuser got more punishment for more injuries they caused. This was not stopping the problem of abuse. In fact, it often made it worse.

Batterers Intervention is a program that a judge can assign if they feel it will help the abuser and abused. The program is a serious one. A person cannot request the program. It is an option used at the court’s discretion.

The program lasts for 26 sessions. The sessions are once per week for a minimum of 75 minutes. Failure to comply results in a court-ordered consequence. The sessions are intense. They are taught by leaders that specialize in the area of behavior. They shine the light into every corner of anger, abuse, neglect, and pain. They allow the families to learn why they interact the way they do, and how to change it. For those who give 100% in the program, the rate of success of nearly 60%.  While, no program can force a person to undergo the kind of treatment that is necessary for success, those who do experience a new freedom.

The community is very much a part of this program. The entire infrastructure must be in place before the program begins. It is strict and unyielding. For example, if a person is late for their meeting, it is counted as an absentee. There is no excuse that will excuse it.

The understanding that victims of domestic violence are often too afraid to speak out and often will help their abuser cover up his actions, the partners work through their own programs.

A key difference in this program over the others is, this program holds men accountable for their actions. As we said, it is difficult, but it works.

The use of conditional release, unconditional release, probation, and other therapy is still used. While the accused may not think intervention is a better choice, a chance to live a normal life versus years in jail is usually a better choice.

This program shows much promise, and it is being looked at across the country for other places to put this type of program into place. The goal of stopping the violence between intimate partners is becoming a reality for some. There is much more to do. The bar has been set high.

For more information, speak to a domestic violence attorney today.