How Drugs and Alcohol Fuel Violent Behaviors

Substance use and abuse have been associated with various adverse crimes. According to the American Addiction Centers, about 75% of people who start treatment for substance use disorders have engaged in physical assault, attacking another person using a dangerous weapon, or mugging at some point.

The relationship between drug addiction and drug crimes cuts across many thresholds, and on the legal front, it can lead to severe consequences. If you have been charged with drug crimes and have a history of addiction, contact a skilled Long Island criminal justice attorney for legal counsel on how to beat the charges.

Motivational Changes Trigger Drug Crimes

There are several ways in which drugs influence crime rates, but most notably, motivational change is a leading factor. Drug addicts are often highly motivated, contrary to popular belief that they lack motivation. However, they’re often influenced by the wrong things.

For example, a drug addict will often think of a drug and how to get it, not considering the risks involved in trying to get it. Extreme motivation leads to an addiction strong enough to push an individual to commit a crime to satisfy the addiction, find relief, or escape reality.

People with drug addiction will often go to great lengths to procure the drugs. However, society has many crime-free drug addicts, and addiction does not justify the crime. If you’re facing charges for crimes you committed due to addiction, let a skilled Long Island drug defense lawyer help you fight the charges. Then, you can start your journey to recovery.

Drug Addicts Often Commit Offenses to Support Their Drug Habit

People who use drugs, primarily marijuana, and cocaine, are highly likely to commit crimes of all types than offenders who don’t. They often commit a crime to obtain money to support their habit. Offenders convicted of burglary, robbery, and theft are most likely to engage in the offense to get money to buy drugs.

Those who commit sexual assault and homicide are less likely to do so to support their drug addiction, but as a result of the addiction. Whatever the motive for committing a crime, you risk getting heftier penalties for committing a crime based on your drug addiction.

Drug use and possession are offenses with a separate list of penalties. Compounded with the sentences of the type of crime you commit, you could suffer life-long penalties that could curtail your chances of living your best life. Consult an experienced Long Island drug defense lawyer for legal representation in your trial for a favorable outcome.

Drug Trafficking Generates Violent Crimes

Trafficking of illegal drugs to support an addiction often has a close association with violent crimes. The reasons for the relationship between trafficking, addiction, and violence include the following:

  • High competition for drug markets and consumers
  • People who traffic drugs are likely to be violent.
  • Disputes and rip-offs among individuals involved in the illegal drug market
  • Drug markets tend to thrive where people are economically and socially disadvantaged, and legal controls against violence tend to be ineffective.

Lethal weapons have also increased in the market, making drug violence more lethal. The penalties are also harsher for crimes that involve drugs and weapon use. If you’ve been arrested for such, ensure you contact a drug defense attorney in Long Island as soon as possible.

What Types of Offenses Result from Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Drug addiction often leads to three types of crimes. The first is user-related drug crimes which happen an offender ingests drugs and then commits a crime under the influence of the drugs.

The second type is economic-related drug crime which a drug user commits to get money to support their addiction. The most common economic crimes associated with drug use and addiction are theft and prostitution.

The third type is a system-related crime that results from the sale of drugs and how the criminal justice system deals with people involved with drugs. The crimes include drug manufacturing, traffic, and selling, as well as the violence that comes with the activities such as turf wars.

Penalties for Drug-Related Crimes

The penalties for drug-related charges depend on factors such as:

  • The substance in question
  • The amount of substance
  • The activity the offender was engaged in
  • The offender’s past criminal history

The court considers these factors to avoid an unduly harsh penalty. The penalties for drug crimes in New York range from a fine of $100 for marijuana possession, depending on the circumstances, to a maximum of life imprisonment for being a major trafficker.

The court may impose an alternative sentence of up to one year in certain circumstances for Class B, C, D, and E felonies, except for selling drugs to a child.

What Are the Possible Defenses Against Drug Crime Charges?

A conviction for drug crimes can ruin your life and future profoundly. That’s why you must fight aggressively to beat the charges with the help of an experienced drug defense attorney in New York.

After investigating and evaluating your case, your lawyer can help you create a strong defense strategy by arguing the following:

  • Improper search and seizure procedure
  • Wrong crime lab analysis procedure
  • Entrapment by the authorities
  • Being under the influence of medical marijuana
  • Improper chain of custody procedure

Fight for Your Freedom and Reputation Today

The relationship between drug addiction and drug crimes is often complex. Facing charges for drug-related offenses can expose you to stiff penalties, given that New York courts are known to punish to the maximum extent the law allows. A conviction can significantly affect your life, and it’s in your best interest to hire a criminal defense lawyer to help you fight the charges.

Our law firm has provided legal representation for drug crime charges for many years, helping our clients get favorable outcomes. We also offer legal counsel to help defendants rebuild their lives and lead crime-free lives. Whatever the drug-crime charge you face, call the Mirsky Law Firm at 516-299-6187 or 718-412-8322 for a FREE consultation.