Whether you are charged with a DWI or arrested in New York City or Long Island, you must discuss your case with a knowledgeable Long Island DWI defense attorney as quickly as possible. It’s imperative to fight a DWI charge with assistance from a well-known defense lawyer who can aggressively challenge the state’s case against you. While you must retain legal counsel at once, there are also some things you must not do after you’ve been charged with DWI. These include:

  • You must not agree to be interrogated without having an attorney present. Be polite, but insist on your right to remain silent, along with you right to a legal counsel.
  • You must not plead guilty or accept any plea agreement before consulting an experienced DWI attorney.
  • You must not fail to take a DWI charge seriously. A DWI conviction is punishable with jail, fines, probation, a driver’s license suspension, and other penalties. Take the charge seriously.
  • You must not discuss your case with anyone other than your attorney. Do not post even a casual comment about your case on Twitter, Facebook, or comparable forums. That’s precisely where the state will seek incriminating evidence against you.
  • You must not fail to put an experienced Long Island DWI lawyer on the case immediately after a DWI arrest. It’s imperative to begin gathering evidence and questioning witnesses as quickly as possible.

Now that you know what not to do, learn what you should do when you’re stopped by a police officer.

Exercise Your Rights

It’s imperative for every American to know, understand, and exercise our legal rights. Knowing your rights and exercising them properly can directly affect the outcome of any criminal charges filed against you, especially if the police in New York arrest you for DWI. After an arrest, law enforcement officers must read your “Miranda” rights before any questioning is allowed. That is, they must explain your right to remain silent, your right to an attorney, and the state’s obligation to provide an attorney if you cannot afford one. If you’re charged with DWI in New York, don’t accept court-appointed counsel or try to represent yourself. Instead, call an experienced DWI defense attorney in Long Island and get the effective legal representation you really need.

If you get a DWI, you have the right to remain silent. Be polite. Give the officer your name, address, date of birth, driver’s license, registration, and social security number. These are “routine” inquiries that are not considered formal interrogation. But you should avoid answering any other questions, providing information or evidence, making any statements, or signing any forms until you have the advice of an experienced criminal defense attorney. We all want to explain ourselves and be understood, but in this situation, let your attorney do the talking. Be polite but firm when you request an attorney. If your Miranda rights are violated, it could – possibly – result in the DWI charge against you being dropped.

When the police arrest you for DWI, they are not your friends. It’s in their interest to compile sufficient evidence against you to win a conviction. If you receive a DWI charge on Long Island or anywhere in one of the five boroughs, speak to an experienced DWI defense attorney in the Long Island area. DWI is treated as a serious charge in New York, and you’ll need a good DWI attorney so you can fight for justice.

Avoid DUI Charges

You can take some practical steps to protect yourself and your friends and acquaintances from driving while intoxicated. Whenever you host a gathering where people will be drinking, remind them to arrange in advance for a sober driver. Be sure to provide soft drinks or juices and water, and make certain that your guests all leave safely. Don’t hesitate to take someone’s keys if you need to – that person will probably thank you the next day. If you, your friends, or any of your family members are arrested for DWI in New York City or Long Island, promptly speak with a knowledgeable DWI attorney in Long Island.

If you’re going to be away from home for a night out or for a specific event, New York and Long Island probably have more public transportation available than any other location in the world. Buses, subways, taxis, limo companies, and ride-sharing services are everywhere, and most can be accessed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Riding a bicycle is not a good option. Although there’s no specific law in New York against “bicycling under the influence,” it’s quite dangerous, and you could still be charged with a misdemeanor such as public intoxication or reckless endangerment.

There are also steps you can take to avoid getting pulled over for suspicion of a DWI. A police officer is likely to pull you over if you have lights that don’t work, have a dark tint to your car window, throw cigarette butts out of your window, or have a violation relating to your license plate. So you can stay away from this type of trouble, be sure that everything on your car is in order.

Everyone who drives while intoxicated is taking an unnecessary and dangerous risk. Any time you get behind the wheel after drinking, you could be arrested, injured, injure others, or worse. If you are arrested for DWI in Long Island or New York City, retain legal representation as soon as possible. A good DWI lawyer will keep your legal rights in mind and explain the legal process as it unfolds, will advocate vigorously for justice on your behalf and may offer New York based resources or other programs to help overcome life events. If you face a DWI charge in New York City or Long Island, consult at once with a reputable Long Island DWI attorney.