No one wakes up one day and says, “I think I will become a drug addict.” It happens gradually, and it happens in every social class, in every country, and it can happen to you.

It may start innocently. A teenager hurts his shoulder on the football field, or a mother is in a car accident, and they receive pain medication. The injury may require pain management, but soon they feel they need more of the drug and they increase the dosage. Soon they realize, they have become dependent on the drug.

A teenager is pressured to try drugs at a party. He or she doesn’t want to look lame, so they take it to fit in, and it feels good. They just want it now and then to party with their friends. Soon they want the drug more than they want their friends, family, or their own life.

The person who is addicted to drugs does not want to admit it to themselves. They become indignant when you question the amount they are taking. They become angry if you suggest they are developing a problem. Once a person is addicted, it takes a lot to get them back. The sooner you intervene, the better.

What Are the Signs?

  • Behavioral changes
    • They become moody
    • They seem to be dazed and cannot focus
    • They may overreact to things and fly off into a rage
    • They isolate themselves
    • They suddenly stop socializing with their friends or get different friends
    • They suddenly are having financial issues
    • Their priorities change

All these things are evident once we have identified that someone is addicted. But each change, by itself, does not seem to warrant action. The truth is most of the time family members know there is a problem, but like the addict, they are in denial. Our drug defense attorneys see this all the time. No one wants this issue.

  • Physical changes
    • They have bloodshot eyes
    • Their pupils are dilated, and the eyes look glassy
    • They slur their words
    • They may sleep too long or not at all depending on their drug of choice
    • They get angry easily and may become aggressive

You can best see these changes when the “accidental” addict runs out of their medication. The prescription is used up and the doctor will not refill it. This sends the addict into despair. The thought of not having the drug brings terror because it brings withdrawal.


The addict gets nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, and hot flashes. They cannot rest. Their arms and legs are restless. They feel like they must stretch their body parts, but nothing stops them. They shake, cry, get mad, and at that moment, the person you know and love is not in control. The body has taken over, and their core values are buried.


Rehab is the best tool we have to fight addiction, according to our drug defense lawyers. Rehab can work. But, it only works if the addict wants it. They must want it more than they want the drug. If they don’t, they will relapse. Recovery is only possible if the addict wants to get help and change their life.